Comparison Widgets

Complement your product reviews with a fully automated price comparison widget

Increase your conversion rate when reviewing products by providing price comparison options via our price comparison widgets. Our price comparison tools give your audience the choice to shop for products across multiple retailers.

A website showing different products available with the option to use comparison widget Promotional Feeds, Promotions, Coupons


Find the exact item related to the content on your site and compare pricing among stores with product availability.


Tailor your comparison widgets to blend natively within the confines of your content.


Provide your readers with the value of product price comparison directly from the content on your site.


Do you aim to provide in-depth product reviews on your website but simply don’t have the time to research the best price available? Are you on a mission to deliver up-to-date pricing available across multiple stores without manual work? Our comparison widgets save time and energy by enabling you to perform a single search using the UPC of a product.


List a price natively within your content.

Modify your pricing widget to natively blend with your website’s theme and/or color scheme through customizable options contained in our Publisher Pro platform.

A computer screen featuring a man holding a gear in his right hand and pointing to a color pallet in his left hand. Comparison Widgets, Comparison Tools, Comparison

Ease and Expedience

It's never been easier to search for a product sold at multiple stores.

Find matching records using the product’s UPC, see all stores where the product is available, then copy and paste the snippet of code to add comparison widgets to your website.


No need to depend on manual updates, our product pricing is dynamically updated.

Our comparison widgets are fully dynamic. Once you select the stores you want to compare for a single product, our system will update pricing daily.

Woman standing with palm up looking at retail price tags.

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