Flexoffers.com - Improvement

Comparison Widgets
A feature was added to our Comparison Widget, where you can now search for a specific UPC and see results for all available product matches. This is even if your domain is not approved to the advertiser it belongs to! You can also apply to the advertiser right from that page. https://publisherpro.flexoffers.com/Product/ComparisonWidgets


Product Search
A new layout was added to our Product Search page. Like the layout of the Comparison Widget, you can now see all the steps required to create your widget and then be able to save your widget. https://publisherpro.flexoffers.com/Products

FTP – More Updates!
We have made updates to our FTP and are now requiring publishers who are utilizing this service to send us their IP so they can be whitelisted. Please contact us at [email protected].   We also made changes to our Data Feed Files on the FTP and via our API. We have combined the UPC and EAN columns into one column now called “UPCorEAN.” This change was made because advertisers send us products with UPC and others with EAN.

COVID-19 Guide for Publishers
The FlexOffers account team has been working diligently to optimize with our advertiser partners to create revenue opportunities for publishers. These are Advertiser categories that are generating high consumer demand. https://publisherpro.flexoffers.com/promotion/COVID-19